Aug 12, 2008

Low sex drive in women

Low Sex Drive in Women, the link with Testosterone
About low sex drive

Low sex drive is probably the most common problem dealt with in women (and a relatively rare thing in the men ). In many cases it is the expectation of what a woman's sex drive should be that is at fault rather than the woman's sex drive. Lets face it, after a day of work, caring for kids, keeping house and paying bills it can be quite hard to instantly turn on your old sexy self at a moments notice. For a woman to feel "in the mood" it is more about the circumstances being right rather than an inbuilt insatiable desire. Relationship problems, boredom and the exhaustion of daily life are the most common causes of a low sex drive. There are some very simple things that should be done before even considering if you have a physical reason for a low sex drive.

These are;
Talk to your partner, it's amazing how often two people who spend so much time with each other have no idea what the other one is thinking

Set aside time for just the two of you apart from the distractions of everyday life
Take the pressure off of having sex by sharing intimacy without the expectation that it will end with intercourse
Treat yourself to some "you time" each day. Even a few minutes to yourself can rejuvenate you. Being exhausted and worn down are terrible for your sex drive. Also try and get some regular exercise and eat well as this will also help greatly with your energy levels

Are there hormonal problems that can cause a low sex drive?

The answer is yes and no. Most of the time hormonal imbalances are not the main culprit in causing problems with sex drive. However, for some women, they do play an important part. Interestingly it is the "male hormone" Testosterone that seems has the biggest influence on a woman's sex drive. Some people are surprised to know that testosterone is naturally produced by a woman's ovaries (though at lower amounts than is found in men) and it is essential for their general and sexual health. 

 Testosterone levels fall in women as they get older, they can also fall suddenly after having a hysterectomy. Testosterone can also be reduced by taking certain medications and other medical conditions. For some women medical treatment with testosterone can help them regain the sex drive that they once had. However, there can be side effects with treatment which need to be discussed with a doctor who is knowledgeable in this area. 

 Another drug called DHEAS is also promoted for the treatment of low sex drive in women. This medicine is very similar to testosterone and should therefore not be started without discussion with a doctor. You will find most GPs are very comfortable with talking about problems with low sex drive; it is not an uncommon problem for them to deal with. However, testosterone treatment should only be started by a doctor who has experience with it so you may need to be referred to a specialist clinic.

Low sex drive in women is a very common problem and can often be fixed with a little understanding and some good communication with your partner.

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