Aug 10, 2008

Get Excited

Get Excited
Researchers have found that long-term couples who take part in novel and arousing activities rate their relationship as more satisfying than those for whom life is more humdrum. Now that summer is coming, find time to engage in some stimulating new hobbies or interests together. Anything from biking to salsa dancing to skydiving will recreate that getting to know you thrill of a relationships initial stages, and all that it entails.

Surprise Him
We often feel flightier in the summer, just a mite more adventurous. So harness that feeling and surprise him in the bedroom. Look out for 101 Nights of Great Sex by Laura Corn, which offers seduction suggestions for both you and him. The element of surprise is crucial to keeping passion alive. Or you could try pin pointing his pleasure zone, the perineum (the area between his testicles and anus). Gently press using circular movements with the ball of your thumb. It sends an intensely pleasurable feeling throughout his genital area.

Give Him a Hug
Even when you don’t have time or energy for sex, aim for a whole body hug once a day. When you touch your partner like this, your bodies produce oxytocin, which creates a feeling of serenity. Physically, literally and chemically it bonds you and makes you feel closer.

Go Public
Making love in the open air breaks up the predictability of your sex life. If you cant face the local rugby ground at dusk, start small, now that the nights are getting warmer, make love under a blanket in your back garden or in a deserted car park. If you really don’t fancy giving it your all in a public place, try just a bit of foreplay. You can always finish things off when you get home.

Picnic as Foreplay
Food can be a sensual treat. Paired with eating out in the sunshine and you have go a potentially explosive situation. Remember men are visually stimulated, what seems over the top to you is a huge tun on for him, so ham it up. Eat slowly and gaze into his eyes as you use your tongue, lips and teeth to take small nibbles. Sexy and healthy choices include asparagus tips, big fat strawberries, or soft raspberries, artichokes in olive oil, or juicy olives that you can feed to each other.

Dirty Dancing
Dance is a wonderful precursor to sex because the physicality of dancing makes your body release all sorts of hormones such as oxytocin and oestrogen, which get you in the loving mood. So switch off the TV, light a few candles and dig out your favourite smoochy CD.

Reignite Your Lust For Him
Passionate sex can recharge your energy, bolster your self-esteem and may even make you look younger. Long term loving relationships can make you appear as much as six and a half years younger than your real age. Lifestyle choices can make your body look and perform better. Sex is great aerobic exercise, improves circulation and makes your brain release feel good endorphins that help keep you inoculated against depression. If your sex life has waned of late, for the sake of your health as well as your relationship, get the passion back with.

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