Aug 25, 2008

Dating is a normal routine matter for present day youngsters.

Dating is a normal routine matter for present day youngsters. It is not bad to go with someone you love or want to make a long lasting relationship. If you love someone, dating helps to explore and understand each other. You come closer mentally. Share your joys and sorrows with each other and this brings you more and more closer, But, keep certain things in mind before you go out for dating:

Don't use extensive, provocative make up.
Don't wear very attractive sexually stimulating dresses.
Never go to an unknown, lonely and scarcely populated place.
When you have full faith in your partner, tell everything you feel about him/her and don't hide anything so that no problems arise after marriage.
Talk with enthusiasm and joyfully for pleasing your partner.
Know about each others hobbies and habits.
Don't talk or laugh too loudly.
If you go for a film in cinema, don't try to imitate the movie characters because
The filmy things and life style they show is not real. Don't get swept away by emotional scenes of a movie.
Don't continue to discuss and tell about your own problems only, instead listen to the others problems also carefully but don't become tense or too anxious.

If your partner condemns some relative or friend of yours, don't take it seriously and don't start digging the roots. If he/she has any misconceptions about your parents, try to clarify it. Know about the financial, social and mental set up of your would be partners family. Don't accept very expensive extra-ordinary gifts.
Try to solve out the problems of each other. If you feel that his/her parents won't allow you to marry, start avoiding and staying away from him/her but slowly, consciously and steadily.


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