Aug 26, 2008

Dating in middle age is a challenge

Dating in middle age is a challenge. It is important to remember midlife brings many changes and challenges. The first step in meeting someone you can connect with in a romantic relationship is to first know, love and embrace who you have become in middle age. What are you values? What are your beliefs?
During middle age people reflect on where they are in their life and where they want to go. Many people begin to change their lives in ways that align their life with their values. Middle age is time of potential and creativity, anything is possible.

Let's get back to middle age dating. If one of your values is to be in a romantic relationship how can you make that happen? What is your plan? Where will you meet people? You probably realize by now that in order to meet someone you need to put yourself into situations where that can happen. Begin making a list of possible places to meet people. Who do you know? What interests do you have?
Change is scary, period. Putting yourself back into dating can be even scarier. Making any type of change in life involves risk. In fact midlife for many people is a time of risk taking and change as they strive for what they really want in life.

Do you want a romantic relationship? If you answered yes then get ready to take a risk! What is the worse that can happen? Let's look at a few outcomes: You feel uncomfortable before the date. Everyone feels uncomfortable before a first date! You date someone once and decide you don't want to go out with the person a second time. Bravo! You actually went out on a date. You may date someone a few times and then they decide they don't want to go out with you again. Rejection is painful and no one wants to be rejected. Remember, you have experienced rejections in the past and have survived so I am sure you will survive rejection again. You meet someone and you both want to continue dating. YEAH! Go ahead and put yourself out there.
writer: Donna Deming, MSW paania paki

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